
Original compositions for piano, strings and flute

Loverboy keyboardist, Doug Johnson, steps out of the rock genre and into the “classical” domain with the release of “Notes to Self” – 10 original compositions in the small ensemble format in the tradition of Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Prokofiev.

—Album Notes —

“Notes to Self” is a collection of original compositions inspired by Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Prokofiev, among others.

The Crescent Suite

Consists of four movements which, in the Vivaldi tradition of seasons, musically describes the changing character of Crescent Beach in Surrey, Canada as it evolves throughout the year. This is in the quintet format of piano, viola, violin, cello and flute.

Con Brio, the first movement, describes the storminess and strength of autumn.
Dolce describes the quietness and solace of winter.
Agitato comes to life in spring.